Magic xpa Partitioning Message

Failed to open transaction, data source: se_conf001 : Get first configuration CN-DB01 : SHUTDOWN is in progress.Failed to open transaction, data source: PPPE001 : =get current(next) period (F) CN-DB01 : SHUTDOWN is in progress.Failed to open transaction, data source: PPPE001 : =get current(next) period (F) CN-DB01 : SHUTDOWN is in progress.Failed to open transaction, data source: PPPE001 : =get current(next) period (F) CN-DB01 : SHUTDOWN is in progress.Failed to open transaction, data source: PPPE001 : =getPeriodStartEndDate CN-DB01 : SHUTDOWN is in progress.Failed to open, data source: INCF001 : init UT CN-DB01 : SHUTDOWN is in progress.Failed to open, data source: SEPA002 : =get session parameter CN-DB01 : SHUTDOWN is in progress.

Magic xpa Server localhost/5115
Program ACTION